Welcome to the blogger page of Mitchell Van Morgan!, a website and blog about Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan, bringing you the latest news for Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan videogame franchise.

Mitchell Van Morgan

Mitchell Van Morgan

[Gender]: Male
[Age]: Teenager
[Skin]: Afro Latin-American
[Hair]: Black/Dark Bluish Black
[Eyes]: Brown
[Species]: Human
[Nicknames]: Mitch, Mitchy Mitch, MVM, MVMX,
[Height]: 5 and a half
[Weight]: Junior Lightweight
[Voiced by]: Jason Anthony Griffith
[Favorite Food]: Any kind of Food, Healthy Food, Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches, Macaroni and Cheese, Cheese Pizza, Cheese Fries, Cheese-flavored snacks, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Fried Foods, Sweet Potato Pie, Seafood, Plain Cheeseburgers, French Fries, fast-food, Salty foods, Junk food, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Pastry foods, Candy, Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Fudge Sundaes.
[Favorite Drinks]: Apple Juice, Soda, Cola, Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Citrus Sodas, Water, Vitamin Water, Non-alcoholic drinks, Fruit Punch drinks, Lemonade, Ice Tea, Chocolate Milk and Hot Chocolate.
[Special Abilities]: Preferred Walking Speed, Supersonic Running Speed, Lightning-fast Reflexes, Kyokushin Karate, Knowledge Replication, Fulgerating Strength, comic book knowledge, Lightspeed Exceedance, Serpentine, Benevolent Serpentine, Colubrine-Based Serpentine, Colubrine, Aquarian-based Colubrine, Lordship, Divinity, Mysterious Vindictiveness, Reigun, Spiritual Sleuthhood, Camoulflage and Ba Gua.
[Hobby]: Any kind of sports, Speed Demon, Hero, Lord, Aquarian, Snake, Manga Artist.
[Jobs]: Former Underwater swimmer, Former Soccer Player, Artist, Pack Rat, Graphic Designer, tae kwon do, Aquarist and a helper of the chicken and barbeque restruants.
[Likes]: Rock Music, Heavy-Metal Music, Manga art, Videogames, Japanimation and Comic books.
[Dislikes]: Revulsion, Self-Awareness, Excessiveness and Voluntarism.
[Weakness]: Autism, Epilepsy, Moderation, Serpentine, Colubrine, National Achieving Societal Kind.
[Spirit]: Colubrid Snake
[Good Transformation]: Super Mitchell
[Bad Transformation]: Colubrine Mitchell
[Medieval Transformation]: Lord Mitchell
[Future Transformation]: Colubrine
[Constellation Spirit]: Serpent
[Original Debut]: Mitchell Van Morgan (1998)
[What series is this character from]: Mitchell Van Morgan

Mitchell is a main character, a titular character, a central character and the main protagonist of Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan and he is nickelodeon's mascot. He is an autistic, epileptic and moderate African-American manga artist born with the ability to run at the speed of sound and beyond, hence his name, and possesses lightning fast reflexes to match. As his species implies, Mitchell can also accelerate, primarily to attack enemies.

Ever since stepping into the battle against injustice, Mitchell has been the champion of peace and is renowned the planet Earth over for saving it countless times. During his many adventures, Mitchell has traveled from the ends of the world to the far reaches of space and time, while facing countless trials that have tested him to the fullest, earning him many titles, allies and the scorns of several foes. Well-known for his legendary cocky attitude, easy-going demeanor and somewhat short temper, yet strong sense of justice, compassion, and love for freedom and adventure, Mitchell uses his abilities to protect the innocent from his world and those beyond from the forces of evil, especially his arch-nemesis Marquessa, who constantly seeks world domination.

Mitchell is a benevolently snaky, tough, fair, autistic, epileptic, moderate, aquatically tolerant, passively tough and a real cool African-american teenage manga artist who has lightning-fast speed powers. While in sports games, he has All-Around sports abilities. Watch out for Mitchell's fantastic speed which allows him move as fast as lightning. Mitchell has faith in his best friend Gavin Davis, he loves his sensitive girlfriend Carolyn Taylor, he has a friendly and competitive streak to his friend and rival Martin Moody, Helping David Drake control his werewolf curse and his werewolf powers, and has a travel companionship with his good friend Nick Dunn. Mitchell was also known as the world's fastest man alive(or nickelodeon's favorite speed demon).

Mitchell Van Morgan`s Signature moves:

[[Ninja Dash]]: This causes Mitchell to move quickly towards his opponent and dash towards his targeted enemies if the attack power is tripled, this manoeuver gets three times stronger. Mitchell can use this attack while airborne via jumping. 

[[Coin Dash]]: this manoeuver enables Mitchell to dash at high speed along a path of coins, even through midair. If a coin is within range, Mitchell dash towards it. By dashing along a series of coins, Mitchell can reach places where he normally can`t.

[[Dash]]:  Mitchell can accelerate, attack enemies and propel forwards at high speed which he can also use this to attack enemies straight ahead.

[[Light Attack]]: Mitchell can restore his chi and chakra for as long as he can. But be careful, as you are defenseless while doing so. While he’s restoring his chi and chakra, the balls of light enter Mitchell’s body allowing him to create a flashy aura. This allows Mitchell to slow down when he goes about anywhere, if he sees one or multiple opponents, target his opponents and bring down all of his ground & flying enemies with a multiple flash dash attack with full speed.

[[Midair Dash]]:  Mitchell can dash and attack enemies while in midair. he can also use this as for recovery when there is no ground.

[[Sonic wind]]:  Mitchell can dash at high speed to create a supersonic tornado effect that can home in and weaken enemies at the speed of sound.

[[Mitchell’s Illusion]]:  Mitchell will take off quickly in a specified direction and leave a wispy image of himself in a wake.

[[MVM Curve]]:  While running, Mitchell will turn tight corners without losing much of his momentum. If he perform this technique long enough, it will increase his boost skill the MVM Sonic Boom.

[[MVM`S Sonic Boom]]:  Mitchell can dash forward at supersonic speed just about anywhere.

[[Timestop]]: Mitchell has the ability to stop time momentarily.

[[Snake Eyes]]: This is Mitchell’s genetic eye technique. Mitchell has the ability manifested through the eyes and allows him to see through most of taijitsu. He can copy and use some of his opponent’s attacks with the exception of secret techniques and some of the skills, but some of Mitchell’s opponents can never be copied.

[[MVM Sprint]]: Mitchell creates an additional boost to his speed can be gained through a super-speed running ability, which can be used to easily traverse long distances, and even cross the surface of water.

[[Triplicate]]:  Mitchell can create two clones of himself to aid in battle, each of which can take one hit before being destroyed.

[[Triangulate]]:  Mitchell can also summon his clones to make a triangle around his enemy then attack it when least expected.

[[Mitchell’s House Of Colubrine Pain]]: Mitchell hits his opponent, dizzying them. He then summons a giant eagle-winged corn snake, which holds the opponent as Mitchell starts an self-combo that knocks the opponent away.

[[Mitchell’s Instant Lightning Technique]]: Mitchell slinks out of the shadows behind the opponent with a lightning chakra in his hand. The foe pivots and swipes at Mitchell with his or her hand, and Mitchell disappears. The foe is then struck by unseen blows, and Mitchell appears above them in the air with two lightning chakras in his hands.

[[MVM Serpentine]]: Mitchell performs his self-combo that involves dashing around to deliver blows to the opponent from opposite sides as well as from the air, ending with an elbow drop.

[[MVM Combo]]: A taijitsu that consists of Mitchell launching his opponent in the air usually with a kick on the neck, Mitchell tricks his opponent, for the finishing blow, he does a front flip kick down to the ground.

[[MVM Plover]]: The MVM Plover was created by Mitchell Van Morgan during his childhood, and is formed by channeling strong lightning-based chakra in his hand. A collection of Lightning in his hand. Mitchell creates a collection of lightning-based chakra in his hand that serves, as a rapid thrusting attack.

[[MVM Plover Double Charge]]:  A super-strong lightning chakra in his hand. This is Mitchell`s version of MVM Plover, As the creator of the MVM Plover, Mitchell has reached a level of control great enough that he can split a bolt of lightning.  The MVM Plover Double Charge is an enhanced and concentrated form of the MVM Plover with the same effects and drawbacks. According to David Drake, it gained its name after Mitchell split a bolt of lightning with it. Because the MVM Plover is already powerful on its own, the MVM Plover Double Charge requires better chakra control, which is exemplified in its appearance. The MVM Plover appears as simply a mass of white electrical chakra in the user's hand, while the MVM Plover Double Charge is more focused and blue. In  is limited to using it four times a day, but , he can use it at least six times. Mitchell has shown different ways of forming and using the MVM Plover Double Charge.

[[Lightning MVM Combo]]:  While Mitchell develops it after using his Snake Eyes to bring his signature MVM Combo to play. Mitchell has reached a level of control of the MVM Combo, Mitchell performs a version of his MVM Combo technique where instead of ending with a kick, he finishes with a MVM Plover.

[[Thunderclap]]: This is Mitchell’s technique without his chakra, a technique where he does not use any of his chakra store, using actual lightning in attack. The Thunderclap is an extremely powerful, one-shot, lightning technique invented by Mitchell Van Morgan. He draws lightning directly from thunder clouds to supplement the power of his strike and controls it with chakra. Due to the technique using natural lightning, which it reaches the ground in 1/1000th of a second, it is one of the most powerful lightning techniques. However, the preparation time required also decreases the technique's efficiency; if there are no active thunder clouds the user must create them by using fire techniques to produce the necessary storm conditions. Once a lightning source has been acquired, shaping and guiding the lightning to the target requires very little chakra. In addition, usage seems to destroy the thunder clouds as the sky cleared up of clouds after use. As such, this technique can only be used once in a fight. The technique can completely annihilate a mountain.

[[Supersonic Blast]]: This is Mitchell’s signature move and Mitchell’s main energy attack, an energy blast which he learned empirically. Supersonic Blast is the energy attack that is shown in the Mitchell X series. Mitchell is able to concentrate his chi and use it for energy-based attacks, the most prominent being his signature Supersonic Blast wave, in which Mitchell launches a blue energy blast from his hands. The Supersonic Blast is the most widely used as Mitchell’s Signature and energy attack. It is also a signature attack of the students in Orange County Public Schools.

[[Colubrine Fist]]: Colubrine Fist is the only attack Mitchell comes up with completely by himself. He begins the attack by making a straight fist faced at his enemy, then once his fist, along with his own body, exits the stomach or chest of the target, the energy will explode out into the form of an enormous angel-winged boa snake which bears a great resemblance to an angel-winged boa snake and then finally collides into the target, possibly destroying it in its path or leaving a gaping hole, hence the name "Colubrine Fist".

[[Spiritual Fingergun]]: This is Mitchell’s signature technique which involves using a fingergun pose, followed by shouting “Spiritual Fingergun” which discharges a bolt of spiritual energy from the tip of the extended fingergun gesture. This is Mitchell's signature move. He concentrates his Spirit (or Demonic) Energy into his right index finger and releases it as a projectile. After channeling his energy, he pulls the trigger in his mind when he wants to fire the "bullet." The Spiritual Fingergun blast can range in size from a small shot (at this point it was only twice as strong as his punch), to a full-sized cannon blast, to a near atomic-explosion, as demonstrated later on.

Mitchell Van Morgan`s Transformations:

[[Super Mitchell]]: This is Mitchell's good transformation. Mitchell had officially awakened as a Super Mitchell at the height of his anger because Marquessa killed his friends, when becoming a Super Mitchell his hair stands up, his hair and eyebrows become blond, and a gold aura is emitted from his entire body. When Mitchell first become a Super Mitchell, his character becomes brutal and he seems to change in to a different person. When becoming a Super Mitchell, his strength increases up to 50 times normal. Mitchell becomes electric, invincible, all-powerful and his strength increases up to 50 times normal. Mitchell can also transform in to this form by harnessing the power of all 7 stones, which he is known to have approached near-light speed. 

[[Colubrine Mitchell]]: This is Mitchell's evil transformation. This is Mitchell after being tormented by his rivals, his enemies, and also getting rebellious against King Viper. In this transformation, Mitchell`s teeth grew into a snakelike fangs, his tongue is like a real live snake, he has a black griffin-like wings on his back, his legs are now a snake`s long, tapering tail, and he is having an devil`s spearhead-like horn at the end of the tail that produces a composing or silent sound when shaken. He is half-human, half-snake man that has griffin-based wings on his back, in this transformation is called a Colubrine Mitchell. Mitchell has emitted a snake man aura from his entire body.  His main moveset involves a tail whip attack, bouncing on his tail like a trampoline, using his tongue to sense danger or see his opponent`s movements, and Gazing directly upon his opponents would turn on lookers to paralyzed dummies. He has respectful invisibility and respectful camouflage. He can also climb up on certain surfaces, and swim underwater. As a Colubrine Mitchell, He is very harmless, defensive and he is much faster than his usual self. His powerful arms and tail are able to stretch allowing him to attack enemies from greater distance, and to reach distant ledges, poles, and bars with ease. He has Antivenin, which allows him to resist and defect any poisonous attacks, poisonous substances or venomous snakebites. He can speak to snakes in a benevolent way. He can fly and glide in the air like a bird with his wings, also he can spread his feathers to attack enemies by using his wings. Watch out for his strangling abilities when he slithers closer to his foes.

[[Lord Mitchell]]: This is Mitchell`s past transformation. In his past transformation, Mitchell is like a lord. Mitchell has emitted a lord`s aura from his entire body. Like a lord, Mitchell becomes more lordly, masterful, governing, legal, powerful, godly, intense, dominant and dominical than ever. He has terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God. He has general authority over others. He is a titled peer of the realm. He is formal in bearing and appearance. He has an overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors. Mitchell is very grandly. He is having or showing an arrogant superiority to and disdain of those he views as unworthy. Mitchell had an appellation signifying nobility. He can have the power or right to give orders or make decisions. During battle, Mitchell has the ability to imply such strength of personality as enabling him to impose his will on others. He usually signifies the exercise of arbitrary or autocratic power and he may not be authoritatively enforced, but he is generally observed in the interests of order, uniformity, etc. Mitchell is applied to that which makes a strong impression because of his greatness(in size or some favorable quality), dignity, and splendor. He imply such consciousness of high station, rank, etc. as is displayed in scorn of those he considers beneath him. Mitchell implies sovereign or supreme authority.             

[[Colubrine]]: His future transformation. Mitchell transforms into a real harmless snake in his future transformation.

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