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David Jessie Drake

David Jesse Drake

[Gender]: Male
[Age]: Teenager
[Skin]: American
[Hair]: Light Brown
[Eyes]: Brown
[Species]: Human
[Nicknames]: Jessie (Only by Martin), wolfbrain, The Pinhead
[Height]: 6
[Weight]: Cruiserweight
[Voiced by]: Richard Ian Cox
[Favorite Food]: healthy food, junk food, pastery, steak, peanuts, peanut butter, Mexican food, holiday dinners, salty foods, fast-food. 
[Favorite Drink]: Pineapple Juice, Fruit Drinks, Colas, Sodas. 
[Special Ability]:  Stupidity, Torque, Sinuosity, Deceleration, Super-Speed, In-Line Skate Speed, Competitive Speed, Incredible Speed, Soccer, Soccer Passion, Kickboxing, Wrestling, Lucha libre, Thievery, Theft, Lycanthropy, Wolf-based Hybridity, lupine, Aquarian-based lupine, Ba Gua and The ability to translate Latin-American languages.
[Hobby]: Philander, Soccer practicing, trading card game player, wander, Aquarist.
[Jobs]: Soccer player, Kick boxer, Wrestling, Luchadore, Thief, Aquarian, Wolf .
[Likes]: Latino music, Videogames, Japanimation, Comic books, Girls, Trading Card Games, Soccer and Retraction.
[Dislikes]: School, Boredom, Being alone like a wolf, and anything corny.
[Weakness]: Tension, insanity, ferocity, greed, cruelty, Lupine and when a full moon appears he becomes werewolf.
[Spirit]: Wolf
[Good Transformation]:  Werewolf Drake
[Bad Transformation]: Evil Werewolf Drake
[Medieval Transformation]: David The Thief
[Future Transformation]: Lupine
[Constellation Spirit]: Lupus
[Original Debut]: Mitchell Van Morgan (1998)
[The series is the character from]: Mitchell Van Morgan

David is the main charater, and one of the main protagonists of Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan series. He is also known as by his online nickname ''Tidal Master'' is a North American teenager and the current guardian of the ''Wolfpack Forest'', a wolf-like forest environment which is inhabited by wolves, even werewolves and his solemn duty to protect the forest from anyone who wants to abuse it. He is also the sole remaining descendant of the Drake Clan and last of the Werewolves on Earth. His dominant traits are his superhuman improvision, he can also use his Anti-gravity hover skates to rival Mitchell's speed, as well as soccer player sportsmanship, truancy, theft and he can climb up walls. He is very secretive of experiencing chemistry during his childhood.

A loner by his lycanthropic nature, David is ignoramus, opportunistic, obnoxious and enthusiastic, yet moronic and arrogant. He is fully devoted to his duty, spending most of his time womanizing girls, protecting the Wolfpack Forest environment, and rarely cares for anything that is not important. When his friends and others are in need of his help, however, David can always be relied on being willing to leave his post and prove himself a complexed and ironic hero. He is also one of Gavin's oldest friends and rivals.

David is an altruistic North American boy who has the power of weakness, stupitity, lycanthropy, curvature and latin-american translation. While playing any sports, David is the weakest athlete in the world but his skills in the soccer games are amazing if your not aware of his passion for the soccer games. He is like a ladie's man, he is very good kickboxer. He is wolfish, greedy, fragile, weak, flexible, thievish, benevolent, fierce, dishonest, aquatically tolerant, aggressively fragile and swindling (when he tricked Marquessa by telling lies for Mitchell & Gavin). David Drake is born in the Wolfpack Forest to protect the wolves, the werewolf people he cared so much about and for his All-American Drake clan.

David “Jesse” Drake`s Signature Moves:

[[David’s Kickboxing combo]]: David can create such devastating kickboxing combos if you’re not careful.

[[The Fist of Lupine]]: This is David’s own moves. This is David’s Signature techniques, he uses his Wolf Fang Blowing Wind technique, but it has no effect. but it has no effect. He lands dozens of punches on his opponents, but they too, don't seem to work.

[[Crippler Spear]]: David can create a spear like energy blasts to stun and wobble his opponents chaotically. He can throw energy bolts to stun and stimulate enemies.

[[In-Line Skate Acceleration]]: David has his trademark in-line roller skate rocket shoes to propel him at extreme speeds that rival those of Mitchell.

[[The feet of the Wolf]]:  While David is running, he can create a wolf like footprints to lead a trial or create wolf like footprints to deceive his opponents.

[[Lupine Fist]]: This is David’s characteristic fighting style, the purpose of which is to cause external damage and break bones. It is the exact opposite of Martin’s Moody fist of tranquility which is used mainly by the Moody clan. This style of fighting involves smashing your opponent and is generally used only by extremely physically powerful and dominating a professional ninja.

[[The Lotus of Lycanthropy]]: The Lycanthropic Lotus requires the opening of the first of the Eight Chakra Gates, giving the user five times their normal strength. The user launches the opponent into the air and then uses Shadow of the Dancing Leaf. Once behind the opponent, the user restrains them and pile-drives them into the ground head first while rotating at a ferocious speed. Because it uses one of the chakra gates, the user is left extremely fatigued, making this technique a "double-edged sword". However, on episode 193 of the anime, Lee was able to perform this technique without any strain on his body. Mitchell has been shown to be able to use this technique, but to a much lesser degree than David.

[[Leaf Whirlwind]]: This is David’s tajitsu skill.  A taijutsu where one launches a succession of high kicks and low kicks. Firstly, the opponent's evasion margin is restrained upon seeing the high kick, thus augmenting the chances for the low kick to hit the mark. So originally the high kick is little more than a feint.

[[Leaf Hurricane]]: David can dash right in front of his opponent and he does a breakdancing style sweeps and then he kicks his opponent with a cyclonical speed and force with leaves associating this technique.

[[The Lupine Gates]]: This is David’s technique. The Eight Gates are eight specific points along the chakra circulatory system that limit the overall flow of chakra within a ninja's body. Although the gates make the ninja weaker in battle, they limit the body's functions to keep it from expiring too soon. Ninja that have learned to open these gates can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of various levels of damage to their own bodies. Each additional gate grants the user new levels of strength with additional injuries; by opening all eight gates the user will become invincible in battle, but their body will be so damaged in the process that they will die afterwards.

[[Crippler Blast]]: This is David’s main attack and one of his favorite energy blast move.This beam, known as the Crippler Blast, is used by David during his battle against Mitchell in an attempt to destroy the Earth.

[[Crippler Bullet Attack]]: He later develops the attacks, which are much more powerful than his older energy attacks.

[[Final Flash of the Wolves]]: He later develops the Crippler Bullet Attack attacks, which are much more powerful than his older energy attacks. Final Flash is one of David's signature attacks (together with Crippler Blast and Crippler Bullet Attack), and supposedly the most powerful of all David's attacks. In order to perform this technique, David draws his hands back and gathers up all of his energy. Then, he thrusts his palms forward and discharges a massive golden-yellow beam of energy towards his opponent.

[[Wolffang Claw]]:: David's basic melee attack, which channels his yokai powers through his claws, and is powerful enough to tear apart iron, making it easy for him to rip his enemies in half. Interestingly, despite being David's most rudimentary demon-powered attack, it is still very strong and powerful, as demonstrated when he quickly disposed of the weaklings, who just attained possession of the rediscovered power called The Wolffang Claw.

[[Malice Claw]]:  This is David’s airborne technique. Using demon power he can harden his own life essence and, like a bladed projectile, throw it at his enemies. It's a surprise attack that catches enemies off guard who think he is weakened from battle. It is particularly useful when an enemy's movements are too fast for a direct attack or when enemies employ ranged attacks.

David Jesse Drake`s Transformations:

[[Werewof Drake]]: This is David`s good transformation. This is David Drake after being transform into a werewolf by the light of the full moon. David has a mental disorder which he imagines himself to be a wolf. David has a magical power to transform himself or another into a wolf. In this transformation, David has become more ferocious, brutal, greedier, wilder, and rapacious than ever he has the ability to howl like a wolf does. Like a werewolf, he will be tough to takedown easily. In this form, he has a few weaknesses; anything silver, biting other werewolves to turn themselves back to normal, or he turns back to normal by sunlight.

[[Evil Werewof Drake]]: This is David`s evil transformation. This is David Drake as he undergoes an extreme physical transformation of turning into a real live…. Werewolf whenever the sun goes down, but his heart almost remains the same. As a real werewolf, David is even slower than his usual self, but he makes up for it with his ferocious combat techniques. David can also develop an “artificial moon”, which he can activate to transform into a real werewolf at will. Upon transformation, David`s fighting strength increases tenfold, but he loses all reason and he becomes a raging beast. As a real werewolf, David has the same weakness as his good transformation. David emits a wolf like aura from his entire body.

[[David The Thief]]: This is David`s past transformation. In his past transformation, David is like a thief. Like a thief, David becomes more thievish, larcenous, dishonest and swindling than ever. David  has emitted a thief`s aura from his entire body. David is like a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else, with the intention of keeping it or selling it. He acts like he is taking something someone unlawfully. He is given to thievery. David is having a disposition to steal. He has thievish manners. During battle,  David has the ability to move, pass stealthily, quietly, gradually or without being noticed. He can steal goodies secretly. He can do such stealthy acts or stealthy exemplifications. David is addicted to thieving or stealing. And he is guilty of theft.   

[[Lupine]]: This is David’s future transformation. David transforms in to a ferocious wolf in his future transformation.

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