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Friday, January 11, 2019

Mitchell's third game ''Mitchell Van Morgan 3'' get's an "On this Day" message!!

On this day 19 years ago - Marquessa's evil schemes are at it again when Mitchell and his buddies learns about Marquessa's diabolical schemes, Marquessa now takes over the cities, factories, casinos and even his employees in the center of Raleighopolis and goes out to steal the seven Power Stones before his arch-nemesis Mitchell does. Mitchell also receives tell-tale reports of this nature as well and decides that he would like to give it to Princess Paulina. His reasoning for this is unknown but despite this he arrives before a consequently infuriated Mad Scientist arrives as Mitchell and his pals Gavin O'Neal Davis, Carolyn Ashley Taylor, Jennifer Hooker, Martin J. Moody, David Jesse Drake, Nicholas Dunn and Ebony Lewis must stop Marquessa from stealing the Power Stones to power his space station, the Death Zig.

For more info go to Nickelodeon's On this Day.com for you're choice.