Welcome to the blogger page of Mitchell Van Morgan!, a website and blog about Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan, bringing you the latest news for Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan videogame franchise.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Mitchell's second game ''Mitchell Van Morgan 2'' get's an "On this Day" message from Nickelodeon!

19 Years ago - The mad scientist ''Marquessa'' strikes again with a vengence against his arch-enemy ''Mitchell Van Morgan'' but only this time he plans to take over the world with seven Power Stones in his grasp. As Mitchell and his friends found out about Marquessa's tyranny and this time he must travel to seven areas of Raleighopolis to race to the Power Stones and save the world from Marquessa's sinister grasp.

Yep that's right, It's been 19 years ago since this videogame was released by THQ and Nickelodeon, Remember that.

For more, Nickelodeon history go to Nickelodeon On This Day at Facebook.com for more info.