Welcome to the blogger page of Mitchell Van Morgan!, a website and blog about Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan, bringing you the latest news for Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan videogame franchise.

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Happy 5th Anniversary Mitchell Van Morgan!!


Happy 5th Anniversary of his career for 5 years of his debut in 1998. Eventually since 5 years of his debut in 1998, The series began as Nickelodeon's classic videogame platformer franchise and definitely the fifth birthday picture/party ideas for Mitchell Van Morgan himself.

And one more thing, Happy 5th Anniversary to Nickelodeon's Mitchell Van Morgan!!

"Mitchell's 5th Anniversary: The game" hits a total beginning for his 5th birthday!

Mitchell Van Morgan's Game Boy Advance port for his very first videogame title has made a mense debut for the series' 5th Anniversary. It took him 5 years to end Marquessa's tyranny to conquer the world with the power of all seven power stones alongside his friends.

''Mitchell Van Morgan's 5th Anniversary'' is a Game Boy Advance port of Mitchell Van Morgan originally released for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. It was released in February 25th 2003 to celebrate the franchise's (and the original game's) 5th anniversary. There are several differences from the game. The Gameplay looks the same as the original game's but with alot of changes with the game's design GBA ratio. The Reception of the game has been heavily criticized for  extremely choppy framerate, poor emulated physics, audio and sound remakes and lack of original gameplay.